The Knights of Columbus Men's Choir
At St. Thomas More Parish
The Knights of Columbus Men's Choir at St. Thomas More Parish is a harmonious brotherhood bound by faith and friendship, is a testament to the power of music and camaraderie. Steeped in the rich tradition of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization known for its commitment to charity, unity, and patriotism, this choir has become a cherished symbol of devotion and unity within the community.
The Men's Choir of the Knights of Columbus embraces a deep sense of faith in action as they dedicate their musical talents to serve our parish and community. Each month, they grace the third Sunday 8:30 am mass with their awe-inspiring performances, captivating the hearts of all who attend. In preparation, they diligently practice on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM.
Their harmonious voices reverberate through the sacred halls of our parish, leaving a lasting impact on the congregation and touching the hearts of every parishioner.
Practice Sessions: Every Second Tuesday of The Month: 6:30 PM.